Niv revisions
Niv revisions

In selecting an English word or words that "most accurately and clearly convey the meaning," the scholars "also work with numerous conservative, evangelical scholars to review their work and ensure its accuracy." Bible scholars discuss the meaning of the actual Greek, Aramaic or Hebrew text - "sometimes for days" - with the help of such resources as lexicons and original manuscripts, IBS/Zondervan stated. "There is an academic, linguistic rationale for the translation of every passage," with specific reference to the passages cited at the IBS/Zondervan TNIV website. They come from a variety of denominational affiliations and theological backgrounds." The CBT "includes renowned, conservative linguists and biblical scholars from the most trusted institutions in the world. This process has produced results that are very similar to the goals of politically correct language advocates, and so the result is hard to separate from what it would be if that were their bias."Īmong other points in the IBS/Zondervan open statement: What we can say, however, is that the TNIV has eliminated numerous examples of words like 'father,' 'brother,' 'son,' 'man,' and 'he/him/his' in passages where a male aspect of meaning was present in the original Greek text. Whether or not any individual translators have a bias against certain kinds of male-oriented meanings in Scripture is not for us to say. "We do not deny the godliness of the CBT nor do we believe that they are maliciously hurting the body of Christ, nor do we believe that they think lightly of God's Word. Accusations that these godly servants have been influenced by feminism or political correctness are false." The have devoted their lives to reaching the world with the Good News of the Bible. However, these differences on linguistic issues should not be confused with social or political agendas. "Biblical scholars sometimes have differences of opinion on the translation of Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic.

niv revisions

we will continue to publish the NIV without changes or updates, and we will continue to earnestly promote the NIV."Īmong IBS/Zondervan's points in its Feb.

niv revisions

The TNIV's New Testament will be published this spring, according to an IBS/Zondervan news release, and the complete Bible is "expected in 2005." IBS/Zondervan have noted that the TNIV does not alter direct masculine references to God or Jesus. The IBS/Zondervan's website provides a defense of 23 Bible passages as translated in the TNIV, while the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood's website provides a 12-point "Concise listing of TNIV inaccuracies" as well as a list of 100-plus challenges to various TNIV renderings. 13, the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood responded to the IBS/Zondervan open statement, continuing CBMW's stance that the TNIV contains a number of inaccuracies in its gender-related translations obscuring the original Greek, Aramaic and Hebrew languages' references to deity. 12 defending their TNIV, which is a gender-neutral revision of the widely used 1984 New International Version translation of the Bible. The International Bible Society and Zondervan publishing house issued a five-page "open statement" Feb. (BP)-Another round of debate over the new gender-neutral "Today's New International Version" took place Feb.

Niv revisions